I recently finished a Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) for 5 days and it was great! To be able to fast for 5 days while using food makes it amazingly easy and you still get all the benefits of fasting! If you always have too much food around your cells use the food calories for fuel. The cells don’t need to search out fuel until you are fasting and triggering autophagy. Autophagy is when your body starts cleaning up the trash in your body. The body uses cellular debris, broken cells, dysfunctional cells, dying or dead “zombie” cells for fuel and is essentially taking out the trash. The zombie cells create inflammation in the body so they are something you really want gone.
There is so much research on the benefits of fasting but it is hard to do when there is food at every corner (literally: 7-11, Mobile, Kwik-stops…). Temptation is everywhere! When I did my last FMD I realized that I eat when I’m thirsty and when I’m bored. Sometimes I eat just because I walked through the kitchen!
When I do a FMD, I get a kit from Prolon. Each kit comes with 5 individual boxes of food that you eat each day of the fast. I take all the food out of the daily box and put it on the counter. It reminds me that I am doing a FMD and then I don’t snack on something without thinking and blow it! It’s a simple reminder because it’s such a habit to snack! I felt hunger and guess what, I didn’t die! LOL! I don’t feel hunger enough so when I do, it is an uncomfortable feeling. At the time of my last FMD I happen to be reading a book from Mom that was set in war time. That book described REAL hunger during famine and it was an epiphany for me. We really have it easy these days; time to count my blessings. It changed my relationship with food. I hope a FMD does the same for you!
Try 3 consecutive months (3 cycles) of a 5 day FMD to see the most benefit. This means you do it once a month for 3 months in a row. It makes sense to do your FMD during the winter months, working with your circadian rhythm. In our natural setting we would not have a lot of calories around in the winter months so it would be quite natural to be in a fasting state. Research shows that if you do 3 cycles you can reverse your biological age by 2.5 years! Check out Dr Valter Longos’ work. He did the research behind the FMD. It’s amazing.
The company Prolon makes the kits to use during a 5 day FMD. They are specifically made with the correct balance of fats, protein and carbohydrates that trick your body into thinking it is fasting. They will ship it right to you. You can purchase FMD’s on my shop page, or click here it will take you right to their website. You body will thank you!
Also, I made an introductory video and some daily videos with tips to help you manage your FMD, as well as some final thoughts. Check them out here on YouTube.